Shenaaz Padayachee // Interpak Books (Pty) Ltd 2014 (LC)
Employers are often faced with instances where an employee’s actions have resulted in the employer incurring loss or damage. Instances where the employee is genuinely to blame, employers may wish to recover these losses or damages from the relevant employee. What right of recourse would the employer have in this regard? Can the employer simply deduct the money from the employee’s remuneration or is there a statutory process which must be followed? These aspects are dealt with in Shenaaz Padayachee // Interpak Books (Pty) Ltd 2014 (LC).
Ms. Padayachee, employed by Interpack, tendered her resignation on 22 September 2011. She was asked to leave immediately and not work her notice, which she did. She was informed she would be paid her October 2011 salary with her leave on 25 October 2011.
On 25 October 2011 Ms. Padayachee was called to attend a disciplinary hearing scheduled for 27 October 2011 which related to allegations of insubordination and gross negligence. Ms. Padeyachee omitted to attend the hearing alleging Interpak had no authority to discipline her. On 15 November 2011 Interpak informed her that (i) she had been found guilty of the allegations; (ii) the sanction to be imposed was a ‘fine’ of R180 000.00 and (iii) she was entitled to be paid an amount of R86 046.59 for her October 2011 salary and accrued annual leave.
Interpak further informed Ms. Padeyachee that the amount of R86 046.59 would be offset against the ‘fine’ in terms of section 34(1)(b) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (as amended)(“BCEA”). She approached the Labour Court (“LC”) seeking an order declaring that Interpak is not entitled to deduct the sum of R86 046.59 and that this amount be paid to her together with interest thereon.
At the time of hearing the application, it was common cause that 31 October 2011 was her last day of employment with Interpak. In addition, it was determined that the ‘fine’ was as a result of a loss/damage Interpak alleges it suffered/incurred. The chairperson determined the quantum of the loss/damage through the disciplinary hearing.
Ms. Padeyachee contended that, in terms of section 34(1)(a) read with section 34(2), Interpak is not entitled to make the deduction as (i) she did not agree to the deduction and (ii) the deduction exceeded 25% of her remuneration. Furthermore, she opposed the amount being a liquid amount as it was a claim for damages which had not been determined by a court or through agreement between the parties.
Interpak contended that (i) section 34(1)(a) and 34(2) had no application in the case as Interpak relied on section 34(1)(b) and therefore offset the debt; (ii) the phrase ‘in law’ contemplates a rule of common law and that the offset constitutes a rule of common law; and (iii) the requirements for setoff had been met.
The LC evaluated the submissions of both parties, and after applying established principles of interpretation to the legislature’s intentions on the relevant sections, it held as follows:
In essence we can take the following important points away from this judgment –
Candace Bachmann – Associate Attorney
Justine Del Monte & Associates Incorporated
Shenaaz Padayachee // Interpak Books (Pty) Ltd 2014 (LC)
Employers are often faced with instances where an employee’s actions have resulted in the employer incurring loss or damage. Instances where the employee is genuinely to blame, employers may wish to recover these losses or damages from the relevant employee. What right of recourse would the employer have in this regard? Can the employer simply deduct the money from the employee’s remuneration or is there a statutory process which must be followed? These aspects are dealt with in Shenaaz Padayachee // Interpak Books (Pty) Ltd 2014 (LC).
Ms. Padayachee, employed by Interpack, tendered her resignation on 22 September 2011. She was asked to leave immediately and not work her notice, which she did. She was informed she would be paid her October 2011 salary with her leave on 25 October 2011.
On 25 October 2011 Ms. Padayachee was called to attend a disciplinary hearing scheduled for 27 October 2011 which related to allegations of insubordination and gross negligence. Ms. Padeyachee omitted to attend the hearing alleging Interpak had no authority to discipline her. On 15 November 2011 Interpak informed her that (i) she had been found guilty of the allegations; (ii) the sanction to be imposed was a ‘fine’ of R180 000.00 and (iii) she was entitled to be paid an amount of R86 046.59 for her October 2011 salary and accrued annual leave.
Interpak further informed Ms. Padeyachee that the amount of R86 046.59 would be offset against the ‘fine’ in terms of section 34(1)(b) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (as amended)(“BCEA”). She approached the Labour Court (“LC”) seeking an order declaring that Interpak is not entitled to deduct the sum of R86 046.59 and that this amount be paid to her together with interest thereon.
At the time of hearing the application, it was common cause that 31 October 2011 was her last day of employment with Interpak. In addition, it was determined that the ‘fine’ was as a result of a loss/damage Interpak alleges it suffered/incurred. The chairperson determined the quantum of the loss/damage through the disciplinary hearing.
Ms. Padeyachee contended that, in terms of section 34(1)(a) read with section 34(2), Interpak is not entitled to make the deduction as (i) she did not agree to the deduction and (ii) the deduction exceeded 25% of her remuneration. Furthermore, she opposed the amount being a liquid amount as it was a claim for damages which had not been determined by a court or through agreement between the parties.
Interpak contended that (i) section 34(1)(a) and 34(2) had no application in the case as Interpak relied on section 34(1)(b) and therefore offset the debt; (ii) the phrase ‘in law’ contemplates a rule of common law and that the offset constitutes a rule of common law; and (iii) the requirements for setoff had been met.
The LC evaluated the submissions of both parties, and after applying established principles of interpretation to the legislature’s intentions on the relevant sections, it held as follows:
In essence we can take the following important points away from this judgment –
Candace Bachmann – Associate Attorney
Justine Del Monte & Associates Incorporated